Last year, our neighbor gave us a little trike that their family had outgrown. It was perfect! I was planning on buying something similar for Preston's 2nd birthday and now I didn't have to. He pushed himself around on it and soon caught onto pedaling. He has gradually become a trike expert and is super fast and confident on that thing. I again contemplated getting him a bike this year for his birthday, but he still seemed so content with the trike that I decided against it. Last week, he started trying on Dylan's helmet and asking me to help him get on Dylan's bike, so I decided it was time. He really needed and wanted a big boy bike.
We went out that afternoon and picked out a little bike with training wheels for him. I had him try it at the store and it seemed the perfect size and fit and was relatively cheap so I figured it was the bike for my little guy. That afternoon we took it out for a spin at a nearby park with a track. I LOVE that park because Dylan can ride ahead of us and I can still keep my eye on him and help him if needed, I can walk behind Preston to aid him in learning to ride, and I get just a little bit of exercise, which is all I can even hope for at this point (32 weeks and counting)!
Dylan got adventurous and was riding down the grass and then coming back up. I guess he needed a challenge as well. Preston couldn't help himself and tried to follow him. My wobbly new bike rider tipped right over the moment the tire hit the grass! I have to say, he's a natural at falling though. There was an immediate tuck and roll response and after some tough mom words (You're fine, bud. Hop up! Do you need some help to get back on your bike?) he hopped right back up and started again. After that, the falling was almost a game for him. We probably had 6 falls that happened on purpose with a big, mischievous grin on his face. I guess it serves its purpose though. He's getting pretty good at the falling process. :) He knows the brakes are there and uses them randomly, but has not put together the true purpose of their existence yet. Thankfully the few places we ride bikes have very small, minimal hills. But you should've seen me break into a full run (robust pregnant body and all) when he hit the first downhill incline and I realized he was quickly gaining moment. I'm sure it was very entertaining for any who may have witnessed it. ;)
Anyway, I have to say it is probably the best investment we have ever made. Preston LOVES his bike and asks me to ride it several times a day. It's cute that he is so excited about something, and it helps get all of us out of the house, unpredictable spring weather or not. Here are a few pictures of Preston taking his bike out for a spin the day we got it.
One of the falls I managed to capture
The happiest kid ever!