Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Prestonian!

So my baby turned 2 today. I honestly cannot believe it. For one thing, he was not supposed to be a March birthday at all - my due date was April 10. His birth definitely came as a surprise to us all. On March 14, I had a terrible stomach bug and could not keep anything down. By 5 p.m. I was having contractions, but I didn't think anything of it - especially since I still had four weeks left. Marcos took Dylan to Young Men's with him so I could rest and between 6 and 8 p.m. my contractions got stronger and closer together (from about 6 minutes apart to 4). I called my midwife and she told me to take a warm bath and try to sip on some fluids. By 11 p.m. we were on our way to the hospital with contractions 3 minutes apart. My mom was on her way to get Dylan for the night. I was pretty dehydrated, which had induced labor. Three bags of fluid and a couple of shots later, it was pretty obvious we were there to stay. Other than my epidural not taking the first time and my labor stopping when I was dilated to an 8, it was a fairly easy birth. At 11:50 am on March 15, my little Preston Santiago was born. It's been an adventure ever since. He spent 4 days in the NICU for low glucose, although he was the biggest "preemie" they had at 7 lbs 11 oz but was a fairly healthy little dude other than that. We've had to go to countless specialists the past two years, but everything has been minor and manageable. We are truly very blessed to have him in our lives. Well, the day wouldn't be complete without my little list of favorites from this little monkey. Here are a few that come to mind.
  • I love his smile. You can see the love radiate through him when he gives you his grin.
  • His eyes are so honest and pure. They really are the window to his soul.
  • He's such a tease. It's relatively new, but it's so funny. He loves to turn and run away when he thinks I'm going to chase him and he doesn't understand the concept of being in trouble yet. Everything is a game.
  • He is so sweet. Preston has a heart of gold. He loves and cares for people in a way I've never seen a child do before. At such a young age, he would put his arm around Dylan to comfort him when he was sad. So precious!
  • He is the cutest little brother. He's recently started calling Dylan D-O (I think he's trying to say Dill). When Dylan was riding in the car with my sister, Preston called out his name over and over - just devastated to be separated from his lifelong buddy.
  • Preston is so simple and easily entertained. He's so content with just a ball or a balloon to throw around all day long. He loves to play ball and has a great aim already!
  • He is so happy! I don't know what it is, but the kid is just naturally happy. He loves life and is just okay to be living it. His sad moments are short-lived and then he's back to being happy Preston again.
  • He is so snuggly! He gives the best hugs and cuddles ever! You can't really ask for them or tell him to give someone a hug - it has to be his idea. But when he wants a love (or to show you love) be prepared for a great snuggle.
  • He is getting to be such a big boy. He loves trying on everyone's shoes and pretty much copying everything Dylan does (or trying to). It's cute to watch!
  • Preston loves music and dancing. The kid's got rhythm and is happy when the music's on.
  • He shares. For a two-year-old, he's very patient and will wait his turn. He already knows how to share and doesn't get jealous when other people use his things.
  • He is our little peacemaker and we love him for it. Life would not be complete without this little bundle of joy around our house.
Happy birthday, little man!

The day we left the hospital (4 days old)

Just after his 1st birthday
(if you missed this one the story is here)

My mischievous litte 2-year-old climbing on the table, jumping around and giggling


Tiffany said...

He is one adorable little boy! Okay, that is HUGE for a preemie!! I was thinking Asher was huge at 7 lbs 6 oz when he was 10 days early...not even close!!!

Stacy said...

Happy Birthday little man!! They sure do grow up fast don't they? My ally was 4 weeks early at 6lbs! I think I would have been glad that preston came early. He would have been like 10lbs!!

Lisa said...

Yay Preston! It is hard to believe that he's two already! I guess the saying about time marching on is true! I've been way out of the loop on blogs etc. since we moved, but maybe I can get back in a groove now.

Unknown said...

what a cutie...I had forgotten that Sara's and Preston's b-days were so close. Hope he had a great day...

The Teeples Times said...

What a darling boy and a beautiful baby he was! I loved reading about him - you are one lucky mom to have to a patient, sweet, sharing 2 year old! I love that he loves his brother so much - I really truly hope for that with my boys. What a sweetheart! I hope his big day was fun.