Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

Here it comes. Another attempt to catch up from my pathetic lack of blogging. I was sick people...okay? Really sick! I still wake up every morning with a horrible headache, which I'm afraid means this sucker has now transformed itself into a full-blown sinus infection. Too bad we're out of flex spending money...and money in general. I may have to wait this one out and hope for the best.
Anyway...If you don't know our family very well, you may be shocked at the news I am about to give you. Marcos - my fun, people-loving, party-craving, center-of-attention husband - HATES Halloween! In general, he is good at showing up at pretty much all the holiday parties, but could not plan anything to save his life. But Halloween he could do without all together. I blame cultural differences because I've heard that his brother isn't the biggest fan either, but still. Try to enjoy it, man! Now, I'm not one of those people who has to do EVERYTHING and completely go all out at Halloween, but I love the fall, pumpkin patches, apples, carving pumpkins, dressing up and doing the whole trick-or-treat thing with my kids. So every year I beg him to participate and every year he drags his feet. So this year I gave up. Since I had been sick, we ran out of time to carve pumpkins and I had agreed to take two carved jack-o-lanterns to Dylan's Halloween party at school on Thursday. And I had a YW activity Wednesday night so I couldn't wait for Marcos to come home from work and entice him into helping with my "charm." ;) So Wednesday (the first day I could really get off the couch) the boys and I busted out our free pumpkins and carved two of them up. They are far less than glamorous because the lady said "simple jack-o-lantern faces" so we kept it simple. Dylan begged me to do one scary so we have one nice and one mean pumpkin. I would've done more, but two young boys with knives around was making me a bit nervous. The things I do to create lasting memories! I even roasted some pumpkin seeds for us to eat since Dylan could not stop talking about eating pumpkin seeds.
I stripped the boys down so their clothes wouldn't be filthy, and as you can see, Preston ended up running around completely naked. Good times! Dylan insisted on being the hero, prying the lids off the pumpkins for me, and was pretty impressed with his awesome muscles. We had a great time, even with my virus hang-over and without Papi there to help.
I forgot to bring my camera to Dylan's school party, but it was really fun. The class was having singing and story time before the party started and the mom next to me realized I smiled when Dylan was called to the front. She looked at me and said, "So are you Dylan's mom?" "Yes, I am," I said in my proud mommy voice. "Oh, well, I am Dylan's future mother-in-law. Abby comes home every day from school and tells me she is going to marry Dylan." LOL. I smiled and we talked for awhile. I think I approve. She can be on the list of potential mother-in-laws for my son. But seriously! There are SEVERAL girls in kindergarten waiting for their chance to marry him. We had a play date with another little girl named Kenzie and I overheard the two of them talking. Dylan said, "Well, we're kind of little still." Kenzie: "Yeah, we'll have to wait until we're older and then we could go on a date." Dylan: "We can go on a date when we're 16 or when I go on a mission when I'm 19." Kenzie: "But you're going to marry Kambrie, right?" Dylan: "Yeah." Now THAT is Halloween scary! What's a mom to do? He's still quite loyal to Kambrie, his first love, but he did bring home an art project that had "Aby I luv u" written on it. YIKES!
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Hagberg Fam said...

I love Preston's Tan Line and white buns!

Billy said...

Take care of the sick Mommy. I didn't last year and both of my ear drums broke due to the sinus infection. Lilly took great advantage of this and turned the TV volume all the way up more than once. Kids can get into so much trouble when you can't hear them. Plus the antibiotic shot hurts.

Maria said...

I know, I need to remember to take care of myself so I will be able to take care of the kids. That's scary about your ear drums.