Sunday, May 2, 2010


I got up this morning and got going. I was excited for stake conference. I knew it would be a bit of a challenge - 2 hours of sacrament meeting instead of 1 is always difficult (especially for little kids), but I figured it would be fine. Marcos was in meetings all morning. I got the boys ready and me all but ready when Marcos walked in the door. He helped with the final stuff to get the boys ready (shoes and socks, etc) while I got dressed. Also, Marcos hadn't had breakfast yet so he had to do that. Well, that's pretty much what made us late. I had no idea he was supposed to usher in our building. A little heads up once in awhile would be nice. How can I support you in your calling when I have no idea what you are supposed to be doing? If you're running late and haven't eaten breakfast, then you don't get to eat breakfast. You go start ushering dude. We weren't late, but we got to the church at 10 minutes to 10, which isn't exactly early when you're supposed to be in charge of something. AND with multiple wards sharing the building, the benches were already gone. Curses! I should've sent him WAY early to get us a bench and do his thing. Whatever!

I got settled into the hard chairs (honestly, I'm getting to where I almost can't sit on those things for two hours - they are so uncomfortable when you're pregnant) and it all started. I don't know if it's my imagination or having all the other wards there that don't know and love you, but I felt so judged from the very beginning. Some lady in front of me was all by herself with 3 little girls and every single one was sitting nicely with her arms folded. I don't get it. Am I too lenient with my kids? Am I not consistent? What is it? Dylan is pretty good, but even Preston's "good" behavior is in a way too loud voice. By 10 after I took him in the hall and by 20 after I was done. I told Dylan to bring the bag out to the hall. Of course a nice lady in the ward followed me out into the hall and I started bawling. I just cannot do this today. I feel like the lamest mom ever. I see moms who juggle their 4 or 6 kids by themselves with no problems. Why can't I do two? Seriously! She offered to let Dylan stay and sit with her and he thought that sounded better than going home. So I took Preston home and put him in his room to think about being reverent. The problem is, I doubt that's what he's doing. He's probably up there jumping on his bed without a care in the world.

Well, hopefully I get points for trying because there was not even close to a spiritual moment that took place today. I think I'll go turn on one of my taped general conference sessions. At least I'll be getting some church moments in today.


chrisandlaura96 said...

Well Maria, I think you DO get points for trying! And pat yourself on the back for that because I "only" have two kids and the thought of doing a 2 hour stake conference was way more than I could handle so we didn't even attempt it! (And I would've had Chris there with me.) Probably the only families there are the ones with perfect little kids that always sit still. I can tell you that if we had been sitting next to you it would've been us getting the stares and I would've been right out in the hall with you! ;) You are a fantastic mom.

Hagberg Fam said...

I hear you Maria. Mike is out of town and it took every bit of me to get up this morning and go to Stake Conference with all 3 kids myself. And in the back of my mind I kept thinking, sure the 1 Sunday of the year Mike could sit by me and he is gone, how Ironic. At least you went and tried. I could hear Preston on the other side of the room and thought to myself, "Poor Maria!" I love you and you are a great mom.

Billy said...

I was so excited for our stake conference ... no way did I go with my "Angels". I count it as a fun Sunday off.

Laura said...

That meeting was joke! We had to sit the 5 of us in three hard chairs and then to top it off they turned out the lights! What where the kids supposed to do? Color in the dark? Seriously... I am sure trying totally counts TOTALLY!