Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Uboldi Thanksgiving FHE

I wanted to do something Thanksgiving related with Marcos' side of the family since we will be spending Thanksgiving with my mom and step dad. We talked back and forth a bit and decided doing a family night together with dinner was a good idea. I had such good intentions, but it snuck up on me. I was supposed to send out an email with the details and completely spaced it! Go figure. Hopefully good intentions get me points somewhere (maybe heaven) because my thoughts don't always come to fruition. Anyway, despite my lack of preparation, it turned out really good. We decided to just do a normal meal so Amy and Laura brought lasagna, I made a salad and garlic bread and some little pilgrim hats for decoration, and Mercedes (Abuela) brought ice cream for dessert. The kids were playing in the toy room downstairs and we decided to eat without them. Great idea! We were able to enjoy our own meal before they gradually wandered up one by one to eat. For the most part, the kids all played well and got along and I think they all had fun together. We did a simple family night with a song and prayer. Marcos read a Thanksgiving story (although I probably should have had him choose another one because it didn't keep the kids' attention very well). Then we all told what we were thankful for and put leaves on our bare tree (which was very Charlie Brown-ish until Laura came with a few more branches for the poor, pathetic tree. :) I had borrowed a bunch of Thanksgiving things so we finished off with a play the kids put on for us. They didn't really prepare anything. They just stood up there in their outfits. Dylan wanted to fight the Indians instead of make peace with them, Preston physically sat on the "Mayflower" and kept saying, "I'n a cowboy" (yes I'n, not I'm), Dylan ran right into Kylie and knocked her down (although she seemed fine and it was an accident), Diego was an Indian frog hopping around, Mylo had the bear join the play...and plenty of other silly kid moments, but I think they had fun. I'm glad we did it, even if we did finish up a bit late for a school night.

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Laura said...

Thank you SO much for hosting! It was really nice. We all had a great time and wanted to stay longer... but school and cranky kids is not a good day :)

(Putting these on my blog :) THX)

amy said...

This was such a fun night! Cute pictures!