Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July

We hung out at home on the 4th, mowed the lawn and then went up to my mom's.  My mom was out of town, but we met at her house with the siblings and our kids to have some fun.  We had pizza and made homemade rootbeer in a big green tub (the guys went to get the ingredients and that's what they came back with).  It was sure fun though and the kids LOVED the dry ice effect.  Then we went over to a park nearby where they serve dinner, have music and fireworks.  It wasn't nearly as crowded as we expected, which was nice.  The dinner was cheap and good and the kids loved running around the park.  Tony, Dylan and Kamyn were playing soccer with some older boys.  Dylan and Kamyn were cute to watch.  It was like they were on the "little kid" team and were bound and determined to win.  They stuck by each other.  The fireworks were fun and then we went home.  Two really late nights in a row for the boys was too much - they were exhausted.  I only got a few pictures because we were just having too much fun...plus, there's a lot of kid wrasslin' to do with all our little ones.  

Homemade rootbeer

Playing around at the park

Dylan's imitation of the Esteban victory dance

Tanner's festive 4th of July hair

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