Sunday, July 27, 2008

Saturday Swimming

Swimming with the kids was so much fun.  I'm glad Melissa called and invited us.  It was just me and my boys and Melissa and Tony for the first two hours.  Then Marcos came and met up with us after he played tennis with Esteban.  Everyone had a great time.  The water in the pool outside wasn't too deep so Dylan could play with Tony without any problems.  They had a little area for babies too, which was nice for Preston.  He would get out of the baby seats, lie down in the inch-deep water and swim around.  He didn't notice as he would get to the edge and fall off the stairs into the two feet water though.  He tries to be so independent.  He sees all that big brother can do and wants to copy him.  Tony and Dylan loved playing with the water guns and Preston loved that he could wander and touch the water at his convenience.  There were a few girls that were around 2 or 3 years old that just loved Preston.  They would push him in his little bouncer seat.  He didn't seem to mind the attention one bit.  He's getting to be so friendly.  We brought sandwiches and treats and just had a great time playing together.  We ran into people from our ward and even an old MTC teacher of Marcos'.  Crazy how small the world can be...especially when you're in a swimsuit.  

Water fights

Preston loving the water fountains

One of the little girls who took care of Preston

Dylan's happy swimming face

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