Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pet Peeve

I'm not sure how tolerant I am, but I try to be open-minded and accepting of most things.  But no matter what I do, some things just drive me crazy.  Maybe that should be one of the "tags" people put on their blogs.  Here is one that drives me a little nuts.  There are a million treadmills, elliptical machines, and bikes at the gym.  I can be the only person on the elliptical machine or treadmill and some yahoo (pronounced yah who) will come get on the machine right next to me.  Hello, personal space.  If the gym's full, fine.  But when it's empty, why do you have to choose the one next to me?  I'm trying to get my workout on.  Anyway, I have a handful or more of these little things that bug me, but here's one that's seriously buggin'.  As the mother of boys, I found it very difficult to find names that were manly enough, not too popular, meaningful, whatever.  It was tough.  I hate naming kids.  So here's my question.  Why in the world do moms with girls see the need to turn perfectly good "boy" names into girl names simply by changing the spelling, adding a "y" here an there to make it look more girly.  Seriously, do you think I want my kid's name to end up being a "girl" name by the time he's a teenager.  There are PLENTY of girl names to choose from without trying to girly up a guy name.  What's up people?  That happened to us with Dylan.  We had another name picked out that I really liked and then I realized it not only was a boy name, but was becoming a girl name (at least here in Utah).  What the heck?  It made me so mad.  I just found out about another little baby girl with a "boy" name that's all girlied up and I'm just a little ticked off.  I'm not going to tell you the name so that no one freaks out, but I had to mention this little pet peeve of mine.  Stop taking all the boy names away from those of us "girl-challenged" moms! 


chrisandlaura96 said...

I'm totally with you on the names thing. It's really hard to find a boy name I like that's not too weird, but not really common. I have at least a dozen girl names that I like.

Maria said...

That's what I'm saying. Just don't make it harder on can't give a boy a girly name. It's just not right so don't make the names girly people. Please!