The crew getting ready for our drive to SLC
Feeding the baby ducks at the park
This post is a little retrospective in nature, but I still wanted to put it on the blog. If you all recall, last week was a little blah for me. I got through it, but it was not pleasant (just ask Marcos). He's been working longer hours (for the same pay) and putting in some hours at a little part-time job so I can stay home. A blessing, but a sacrifice on both our parts. Two nights a week, he is usually not home until the kids are in bed (or almost) and the other nights vary. He also has had a few crazy situations come up on the weekends that had to be dealt with immediately. He's usually not on call, but once in awhile there's nothing he can do. A family emergency is a family emergency and when you're the social worker, it probably involves you. It's especially difficult when the family doesn't speak English and needs help communicating. Anyway, two weekends in a row he ended up working (plus got called back to solve a problem in the evening). I also felt like I was falling further behind with EVERYTHING because of the remodeling stuff. My bad days never seemed to end so he told me he would take off on Friday so we could start painting upstairs. When Friday rolled around, I was tending Anthony and feeling lazy and unmotivated so we switched directions. We decided to go pick out our laminate flooring (again - I'm so indecisive on this one) in SLC and stop by to see my grandma. I didn't even think to check first, but it was her "hair day" so she was going to be gone most of the day. Plan B: I called a friend of mine who happened to take the day off work to catch up on some things herself. Wa-hoo, it was meant to be! We decided to meet up at a park and go walking. My wonderful husband watched the kids on the playground while Liv (pronounced "leave") and I walked around talking and catching up. Liv is such a good friend to me. We are seriously the most unlikely pair (she's hip and trendy and I'm plain and simple, which is only the beginning of the list). You'd have to know the history to understand, but it was a rough start before we realized we were more alike than different. It's amazing what can happen when you get to know someone instead of just assuming you already do. Anyway, over the years, she has become one of my best friends. She's way too busy to read blogs so she'll probably never see this, but I just had to mention her. I am blessed to have some really great friends and to have so many family members who I also consider my friends. Sometimes you just need someone who you know will listen, understand and love you no matter what is going on. My best friend, Lisa, is the same way. Poor thing gets a frantic phone call every time I'm going crazy, which unfortunately for her is quite often. :) Anyway, enough rambling.
The following is my own personal list for curing a bad day:
- an understanding and supportive husband (unless he's the cause of your bad day)
- a little distance from the kids (watching them play and smiling at them from afar without the responsibility of taking care of them was perfect)
- sweet baby ducklings
- completely blowing off responsibilities to play
- lunch out (it wasn't planned, but I didn't pack a picnic so we ate off the dollar menu at Wendy's)
- a nice, long walk to get the blood flowing
- a perfect conversation/vent session with an old and trusted friend (you know the kind where you pick up where you left off and leave it again when you have to because life just flows that easily between good friends)
- oh, and weather - good weather doesn't hurt either :)
Well, that's what worked for me at least. Thank you Marcos for understanding me when I'm crazy and allowing me the "girl time" I need. I don't know too many men that would take a day off of work just to let his wife catch up with a friend. And thanks to Liv (and all my other friends) for always being there to let me gripe or give me advice or whatever it is I need. I wouldn't make it through this life without my peeps!
The cure to my bad day? (Well, I'm not having a bad day today...but we can pretend.) Knowing that I'm one of your peeps! You're awesome. I truly feel so lucky to have you as a best friend.
Ditto kid!
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