Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our Big News

I've been putting off this post for awhile now. I'm not sure why. I guess it's the insecure part of me that lingers even into adulthood - the deep place in my soul that still has this slight need to fit in with the rest of the world. It must still be there to some degree or I wouldn't be so hesitant to share the news with ya'all.

With the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year approaching quickly, it's bound to come up in conversation so I figured I'd better break it to you now. Ya ready for this? Marcos and I have decided to home school our kids. What the ... ? That's right. I'll give you a moment to pick your jaw off the floor. I'm probably the last person you'd ever think would choose to home school her kids. Actually, I'm pretty shocked myself. You know, the ambitious, career-woman, I'm-going-to-conquer-the-world Maria that many of you probably knew. But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that I don't know as much as I thought I knew and I'm not all that great at predicting my own future. What I think is best for me and what really turns out to be best for me are rarely the same thing. Over the years, I've gradually been able to put as much of the decision-making in the Lord's hands, even though it scares the crud out of me at first. Anyway, a few of my close friends and family know I've actually considered this for years (since before Dylan went to preschool really) but was too chicken to really deal with the nagging feeling I kept having. Well, by the end of the school year last year, I simply couldn't ignore the nagging sensation anymore. It was definitely not an easy decision and it still scares me to death in many ways, but after reading, researching and praying a WHOLE LOT, Marcos and I both feel that it's what's right for our family right now. Life already seems so chaotic, but I trust that the Lord will help us figure it out as we go.

Anyway, I figured I may as well throw it out for all my readers to discover since I know gossip travels quickly. Half of you have probably heard rumor already. :) So, wish me luck and feel free to send some prayers up on my behalf. Heaven knows I'm going to need some major help with my levels of sanity and patience during this journey.

1 comment:

chrisandlaura96 said...

Maria, just taking a few minutes to catch up on your blog and all the things going on with your family. Not that my opinion matters, but I wanted to let you know that I think it's fantastic that you and Marcos decided to home school your children. You are so capable, involved in your children's lives, smart, and passionate that I think you will be really good at teaching your kids at home. My sister in law home schools her kids and so I've seen first hand how wonderful it can be. Just wanted to give you my support!