Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What...more q-tips?

Marcos and I have been married for over 9 years now.  We celebrated our 9th anniversary in June.  Looking back over the years, it's just funny the way some things matter and some things don't.  I remember the first few weeks and months of marriage very well.  You know, the time when you start to recognize all the quirky little things you never knew about your loved one. When we first got married, Marcos played soccer four times a week (mostly indoor soccer).  I loved watching him play soccer and it was a big part of our early married life.  I remember watching him get ready for one of his first games after we were married.  Holy OCD!  He tucked in his shirt, pulled it out a little, tucked it back in some more, then out again.  I couldn't believe it.  I can get ready for a sports game in 5 minutes.  Throw on sports bra, shorts, shirt, shoes and socks and then pull the hair back into a pony tail and I'm good to go.  No big deal!  I watched him (and mocked him a little) while he got the shirt just right.  Then he put on his chin guards and socks and I watched him pull the socks down and up bunching them just perfectly at the top - it took forever.  I think it's a superstitious sports ritual like not washing your socks or something, but it was hilarious to watch my supposedly "chill" husband with such quirks.  I teased him a little in front of my grandparents and then my grandma mentioned my tendency towards quirkiness too. Apparently I would twist the faucet at my great grandma's house back and forth as I pulled up on it to turn it on.  Not necessary, but I did it every time.  I think I was trying not to turn it on too quickly, but after this I realized how quirky everyone can be. Anyway, I have grown to love many of these strange little habits of my husband's and sometimes don't even recognize them as unusual anymore (a frightening thought).  

Some of his "habits" are not quite so cute and could drive me crazy if I let them.  I'm sure most of these are just "a guy thing" but whatever.  I had to learn to let them go and pick my battles, but it still bugs me sometimes.  No matter what he finishes, he never replaces it.  He often puts an empty milk jug back in the fridge with two drops in it just so he doesn't have to deal with the jug.  He never replaces the toilet paper roll or the q-tips in the little cup on top of the sink. Seriously, I have seen him walk into a bathroom, realize there is no toilet paper on the roll and turn around to walk to the other bathroom, not even checking under the sink to see if there's another roll there.  I'm pretty sure he thinks there's a "refill" fairy that takes care of all the old crap and brings in some new stuff.  It's that way with almost everything - paper towels, the soap in the soap dispenser...  Oh, but he does make sure to get out a fresh new bar of soap for the bathroom when the other one is only half gone.  The frugal part of me cannot waste the soap.  I finish the old one while he uses the new one until it's small again and the routine starts over. Okay, let me just throw this disclaimer in here real quick since I think he's going to kill me for this post.  Marcos is a super husband.  He helps me with lots of things around the house when I ask.  He's really good at dishes, vacuuming, taking out the garbage and even helping with laundry (when I need help).  He's also pretty good at appreciating me and what I do around the house (when I remind him to).  He is also great with the kids.  I cannot complain! He is one of the most helpful men I have met, but still.  I'm just talking about the little quirky things that everyone does...okay, hon?  I love you :)  Anyway, back to the story. So this morning I woke up to find the cup on the sink filled with q-tips.  I about fainted.  I even tried to think back and remember when I would have refilled the dang thing.  Nope, I'm pretty sure it was him.  Holy cow...could this be it?  Have the tables turned?  Was 9 years the magic number?  What is going on here?  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I know you think this is the end of all my refill woes, but don't be too quick to jump to conclusions.  Lest you think the world is coming to an end, have no fear.  This afternoon I walked downstairs to the basement bathroom to discover an empty roll of toilet paper.  Things will never change that drastically!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

How funny! Greg is that way with some things, too. Like the TP. I've had him call out to me from the bathroom to bring him a new roll. So I walk in there, reach under the sink, and hand him one. One day he was like, "Oh." Like, "It was right there all this time and I could have got it just as easily!" Silly husbands! They're cute though, aren't they?