Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'll be 102...

So my mom always jokes about a phrase my great grandma used to always say.  It starts out, "I'll be 102..." and usually finishes with something like "...I have anything nice", "...the kids stop breaking everything in sight", "...I get some peace".  You get the point.  I remember my mom and aunt both joking about it.  They never need to finish the phrase.  They just say "I'll be 102" and the rest is assumed.  Well, the older I get, the more I understand this phrase.  My boys, though I love them dearly, are boys.  They are rough and tough and rumbly and tumbly and wreck havoc and destruction on my poor home on a daily basis.  Today started out bad.  The entertainment center has two cupboards and a drawer on the bottom and the one cupboard's just had it.  I had Justin, my brother-in-law who's a magic fixer-upper type, put it back together the best he could, but in order to fix it, we had to take off the super awesome toddler magnet locks.  Thus, the once again broken cupboard.  Without the toddler lock, Preston found his way into the cupboard, pulled all the stupid videos out of there for the millionth time, and somehow managed to pull the whole door off and break it again.  Ah man!  It's on its last leg and I'm afraid there's no more "fake" wood left on the poor door to even attempt to fix it.  It might just drive me crazy.  I try to remind myself that they're young and this will pass, but I'm afraid teenagers are not much better than young children.  And then you end up with grandkids around that ruin your house all over again.  Well, I may very well be 102 before I have one nice thing of my very own that nobody touches or ruins! 

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